After having the money for a couple of years - and keeping the interest earned on it - the county escheats the funds to Cigarettes Online USA the State treasurer. There is stays, earning more interest for the state, usually forever. Guess what - you can actually claim that money, using a secret system. This is the absolute best way to take advantage of equity from foreclosure auctions. An awesome program teaches you to ascertain the correct owner of the funds and how to deal for it. The rightful owners are easy to locate. Give us the owners' info and a copy of the foreclosure file. Our staff will cut a deal for you and give you a crazy high referral. We pay you as soon as we cut the deal. You get a great cut and don't wait for the court proceeding to get paid. Its not hard to send in enough deals so that we'll close on a couple a week. With an average deal of twenty grand, and you getting ten %, that's real money!